There are four common types of MIG welding nozzles: tapered, cylindrical, conical, and recessed. Tapered nozzles provide precise gas flow, cylindrical nozzles offer wider gas coverage, conical nozzles are designed for high-heat applications, and recessed nozzles protect the electrode from spatter in tight spaces.
When setting up your MIG welding machine, you also have to set up any accessories needed to help the machine work. One of those very important yet often overlooked tools is the MIG welding nozzle. The nozzle goes over the tip to create a barrier between it and molten metal and helps direct gas towards the welding pool.
Each different type of welding nozzle has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right nozzle might not make or break your welding job, but it can make it easier or harder.
Here is your guide to the types of MIG welding nozzles and when you should use them.
Table of Contents
Different Types of MIG Welding Nozzles
First, let’s list the different types of MIG welding nozzles, as it is helpful to have them all in one place. They are:
- Recessed nozzles
- Flush nozzles
- Protruding nozzles
- Adjustable nozzles
The different names refer to the positions of the tips inside the nozzle.
Now we can examine them in more detail.
Recessed Nozzles
Recessed nozzles are nozzles where the tip is set back from the end of the nozzle. This recessed position means there is a small gap between the tip’s end and the nozzle’s end.

One of the advantages of a recessed nozzle is that it gives you greater coverage of the weld. The recessed tip creates more space for the gas to heat up to the right temperature, which improves your performance in certain situations.
Recessed nozzles also give you more control when welding at higher amperages. The gas has more space to surround the tip and flow continuously into the weld. You want to give yourself more space when working with high amperages.
Recessed nozzles are not great when you don’t need more gas to flow into your weld. Sometimes, too much gas lessens your control over the weld.
When to Use a Recessed Nozzle
It would be best if you used this nozzle when:
- You’re using a longer wire stick-out,
- You have a higher amperage,
- You’re working with flux-cored wires that need more preheating, or
- You’re using spray or pulse mode welding.
Flush Nozzles
Flush nozzles are nozzles where the tip is flush with the end of the nozzle. That means both the tip and the nozzle are completely level with each other, terminating at the same time.
Flush nozzles are one of the most popular types of nozzles, if not the most popular type of nozzle. They are versatile and pretty easy to use.
Flush nozzles are good for beginners because you can see what you are doing better than with other nozzles where the tip is hidden. You can see where the wire is going and how you’re making progress along your weld.
Flush nozzles are also one of the only ones suited to welding with short circuit welding, which involves touching the wire directly to the base material.
The biggest disadvantage of a flush nozzle is that it is one of the messiest. In a flush nozzle, the tip sits right alongside the welding bore. That means splatter can get stuck on the tip and create splatter bridging when the edge of the gas cup creates an arc, not just the tip. You will have to clean a flush nozzle more regularly than other nozzles.
When to Use a Flush Nozzle
You should use a flush nozzle if you are:
- Short circuit welding
- Welding with a short wire stick-out
Protruding Nozzle
If a recessed nozzle is when the tip is recessed from the edge of the nozzle, and a flush nozzle is when the tip is level with the nozzle, you can probably guess what a protruding nozzle is. A protruding nozzle is a MIG welding nozzle where the tip extends slightly beyond the edge of the nozzle.
Protruding nozzles, also called stick-out nozzles, are best when you reach a hard-to-reach place with your MIG welder. The tip may not stick out by much, but it extends far enough to give you more reach.
The protruding nozzle has more disadvantages than most, meaning that most welders don’t use it until absolutely necessary.
Since the tip sticks out of the nozzle, that narrows the opening. This lowers the gas flow, lowering how the gas can pool.
The tip sticking out will also touch the base material, which is not something that you always want. Unless you aim for a short circuit, you don’t want the tip to be physically in contact with the base material.
When to Use a Protruding Nozzle
It would help if you used a protruding nozzle when welding:
- Corners
- Deep parts
- Any weld you have trouble accessing
Adjustable Nozzle
Some manufacturers make adjustable nozzles. You can decide which type of nozzle you need for adjustable nozzles. You slide the nozzle up and down the insulator, depending on whether you want the tip to be recessed, protruding, or flush.
The biggest advantage is that you don’t have to choose which nozzle to buy or to switch between welds. You adjust the nozzle if you are switching welding techniques.
The biggest disadvantage is that it is a bit of a bother to keep moving the nozzle to get the type of fit you need.
When to Use an Adjustable Nozzle
You can use an adjustable nozzle in all situations mentioned above as long as you adjust it to the right setting.
Final Thoughts
There are many different types of welding nozzles, and different manufacturers actually have different methods of classifying nozzles. One common classification type is by the fit of the nozzle against the tip. You can get flush, recessed, or protruding nozzles—which determine how far out (or in) the tip sticks—or even adjustable nozzles.